After doing several sessions with Steve in the studio, it was great to take it out and record “live” as we did for this record. Voce, in Scottsdale, was the perfect place to do it, small and intimate like all the best jazz places I remember as a kid in LA. I love to hear the crowd react to these great musicians. Everything that can be said about Steve has been said but, i’d like to add that he’s a great guy as well, and I’m happy to call him “friend.” Same goes for Joey DeFrancesco, Paul Bollenbeck and although we met only that night, Ronnie Cuber. He has great stories… Mike Florio and Khani Cole allowed us to disrupt the normal proceedings and gave us carte blanche to do what we needed to get it done. These kings of recordings are fun (when everything works…) because lot’s of musician’s friends are there to say “hi” and enjoy real musicians [laying real music for real people. I used to take that for granted but…I don’t anymore. CSR
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